Training and Technical Assistance
Training and Technical Assistance Workgroup
The Training and Technical Assistance Workgroup supports and provides technical assistance and trainings on System of Care practices and principles to both public and private child serving systems and family organizations. Some of the ways we support training efforts include, co-trainings for child and family teams, SOC trainings and regional community collaborative institutes. In addition, the state collaborative may sponsor regional and statewide SOC Conferences. The workgroup is responsible for developing and updating the online Child and Family Team training.For more information about the workgroup and/or if you would like to become a member please contact the current Co-Chairs:
- Joanne Scaturro, Agency Co-Chair: joanne2653
@aol.com - Teka Dempson – Family Partner Coordinator: teka15demp@yahoo.com
Overview of SOC Child and Family Team Curriculum
This overview describes the Child and Family Team Curriculum and Training Group. Child and Family Teams are a means of achieving the goals of families, youths, and multiple public agencies, including schools, public health, juvenile justice, mental health, and social services. The overview is intended to disseminate information about models, expertise, resources, and strategies that this group has to offer to others involved with Child and Family Teams.
The Mission is:
to advance Child and Family Teams that assure safety, stability, success, connections, and optimal outcomes for children, youth, and their families at home, school, and in the community; and to provide cross-agency curricula, training, and evaluationThe Group:
is composed of experts on Child and Family Teams within a System of Care; has representation from parents, youth, divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services: Division of Social Services (DSS), Division of Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Abuse Services (DMH/DD/SAS), and Division of Public Health (DPH); the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DJJDP); the Department of Public Instruction (DPI); and universities; is affiliated with the State Collaborative for Children and Families System of Care; has piloted cross-agency training for System of Care Departments of Social Services; and has resources for developing curricula, training, and evaluation of Child and Family Teams.The Strategy For Developing The Curricula:
integrates multiple agency functions into “one child, one team, one plan”; maps the requirements of Child and Family Teams for different public agencies (e.g., When is a meeting required? Who calls the meeting?); proposes seven guiding principles for Child and Family Teams; connects these guiding principles to good practices and model selection; proposes three training participant groups (facilitator, family, team member); and specifies competencies for each guiding principle.Research Findings Supporting Application of Child and Family Teams
For more information about this project, please contact: Joanne Scaturro, Agency Co-Chair: joanne2653Links to other SOC Training Resources:
University of Maryland TA Network
Center for Youth, Family, and Community Partnerships at UNCG