Mission and Vision Statement of Purpose:
To ensure that children, youth and families are actively involved in services that are delivered at
school, in the home and in the community through a seamless System of Care approach. To
support the education system by promoting quality whole child care that includes collaboration
with systems that touch the lives of children and their families, prevention and early intervention
using education models; and a spectrum of services and support to successfully re-integrate
into the school and community.
Ways the Subcommittee Will Accomplish the Mission and Vision:
- Foster and support the development of a statewide network of families and youth that are available to be a resource in the development of state and local planning and implementation processes of behavioral health services delivered at school and coordinated with supports that follow in the home and in the community as needed.
- Support and work with new/ongoing community collaboratives.
- Develop working (on-going communication) communication channels with parent
All Shareholders are Welcome!
Benefits of Participation in the School-Based Mental Health Subcommittee:
- Youth and Family will have a voice and active role in strengthening school-based mental
health. - Find out quickly about changes in State policy, legislation, new initiatives in school-
based policies around mental health wellness and services. - Get information sent to you directly around school-based mental health.
- Statewide support for community collaboratives’ work in school-based mental health
- Network with cohorts in other counties
100 counties speaking with one voice on behalf of children, youth and families is very
powerful. - Link to effective strategies and initiatives to help implement school mental health policy
and state and local plans.
School-Based Mental Health Subcommittee Partners:
- Family members
- System of Care Community Collaborative members
- Public and Private Community Organizations
- Public School Units
- NC Department of Public Instruction
- NC Department of Health and Human Services:
o Division of Child and Family Well-Being
o Division of MH/IDD/SAS
o Division of Public Health
o Division of Social Services - NC Department of Public Safety
o Division of Juvenile Justice - School Mental Health Initiative Regional Groups
- Local Management Entity/Managed Care Organizations and Prepaid Health Plans
- Consumer and Family Advisory Councils
Overview of School-Based Mental Health:
School-based behavioral and mental health services are provided by a wide range of professionals – counselors, psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family
therapists, and psychiatrists. School-based services provide assistance to students with a range of needs. Areas of particular interest with the school-based behavioral and mental health field include school safety, wellness and prevention initiatives, substance abuse treatment, and
financing mental health services.
Child Mental Health CDC
Domestic Violence NC Anti_Bullying Laws
Exceptional Children Division Behavior Support Consultant contact information Helpful Websites Related to School Based Behavioral Health
Plan for School Based Mental Behavioral Health Services and Supports
School Based Strategic Plan
Committee Update Report
Committee Update Report 5.2017School Based Behavioral and Mental Health – Workgroup Minutes
2021 Workgroup MinutesMarch 19, 2021 Meeting recording zoom_0.mp4
2017 Workgroup Minutes July 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes June 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes May 12, 2017 Meeting Minutes April 7, 2017 Meeting Minutes March 10, 2017 meeting minutes 2011 Workgroup Minutes
2010 Workgroup Minutes