
To design and deliver interagency/family and youth driven practice through training, conferences, Learning Institutes and other forums that promote best practices.


To bring all of our Collaborative partners to the table to design and deliver integrated training on family centered principles and practices.


Every fourth Friday after Collaborative Meeting from 12:30-3:30


Teka Dempson, family Co-chair;
Joanne Scaturro, agency Co-chair
Candace Moore; Angela Mendell, Beth Pfister, Noel Thomas-Lester, Tonya Brown, Wanda Douglas, Nadine Lewandowski, Hope Eley, Nancy Cleghorn, Mary Lloyd, Renee Cordero, Libby Jones, Gail Cormier, Terri Grant, Fred Douglas, Paul Savery, Joe Simmons, Lisa Lackman, Susan Robinson, Barbara Leach, Amy Horgan, Stacy Justiss, Dawn Manus, Chandrika Brown.