*Some of the listing on the map may be out-of-date. We are in the process of updating this map and it should be fully updated by February, 2022.
The map below shows the local community collaboratives. To access, hover over the pins for more contact information.
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1 Alamance County
Family Justice Center
1950 Martin Street
Burlington, NC 27217
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
each month 12:15-1:30pm
Contact: Sarah Schaller
(704) 371-1256
Alexander County
Alexander DSS Office
Taylorsville, NC 28681
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
every other month 8:30 am
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Durham County
Durham County Community Collaborative
Durham County Human Services
414 E. Main Street, Durham
2nd Floor Auditorium
Meetings: 4th Thursday (except July/December)
Each month 10 am – 12:30 pm
Contact Supervisor: Ashley Bass-Mitchell
P: (919) 651-8498
Wake County
Wake County Community Collaborative for Children
and Families
Alliance Behavioral Healthcare
3000 Highwoods Blvd. Ste. 310
Raleigh, NC
Meetings: 1st Tuesday Each month (except May and July) 10am-12pm
Contact: Margaret Soler
(919) 593-3013
Johnston County
Johnston Collaborative for Families, Youth and Children
502 S. Second St.
Smithfield, NC 27577
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:30-11am
Each month 10:30-12:00
Contact: Ashley Bass-Mitchell
P: P: (919) 651-8498
Cumberland County
Alliance Behavioral Healthcare - Cumberland Site
711 Executive Place
Fayetteville, NC
4th Tuesday of the month
Contact: Sharon Glover
(910) 491-4813
Guilford County
Guilford County System of Care Collaborative
Guilford County Department of Social Services
1203 Maple Street
Greensboro, N. C. 27405
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Each month 12:45-2:00
Contact: Valerie Jones
Randolph County
Senior Adults Association
347 W. Salisbury Street
Asheboro, NC 27203
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday
Each Month 3-5pm
Contact: Jasmin Jones
Richmond County
Five County Collaborative
Thomas H. Leath Memorial Library
412 East Franklin Street
Rockingham, NC 28379
Meetings: 2nd Friday
Each month 9:30am
Contact: Jasmin Jones
Anson County
Five County Collaborative
Thomas H Leath Memorial Library
412 East Franklin Street
Rockingham, NC 28379
Meetings: 2nd Friday
Each month 9:30am
Contact: Jasmin Jones
(336) 389-6353/(336) 389-6367
Montgomery County
Five County Collaborative
Thomas H. Leath Memorial Library
412 East Franklin Street
Rockingham, NC 28379
Meetings: 2nd Friday
Each month 9:30am
Contact: Jasmin Jones
(336) 389-6353/(336) 389-6367
Moore County
Five County Collaborative
Thomas H. Leath Memorial Library
412 East Franklin Street
Rockingham, NC 28379
Meetings: 2nd Friday
Each month 9:30am
Contact: Jasmin Jones
(336) 389-6353/(336) 389-6367
Lee County
Harnett/Lee Collaborative
Department of Juvenile Justice
900 Woodland Avenue
Sanford, NC 27330
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Meeting locations alternate
Each Month 2pm
Contact: Jasmin Jones
(336) 389-6353/(336) 389-6367
Harnett County
Harnett/Lee Collaborative
Department of Juvenile Justice
22 W. Front St.
Lillington, NC 27546
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Meeting locations alternate
Each Month 2pm
Contact: Jasmin Jones
(336) 389-6353/(336) 389-6367
Hoke County
Five County Collaborative
Thomas H. Leath Memorial Library
412 East Franklin Street
Rockingham, NC 28379
Meetings: 2nd Friday
Each month 9:30am
Contact: Jasmin Jones
(336) 389-6353/(336) 389-6367
Alleghany County
Alleghany Center of
Wilkes Community College
115 Atwood Street
Sparta, NC 28675
Meetings: 1st Thursday
Monthly 12:00-1:30
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Ashe County
Ashe Family Central
626 Ashe Central School Rd.
Jefferson, NC 28640
Meetings: 4th Tuesday
Monthly 10:00-11:30
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Avery County
Avery County School Board
Meetings: 4th Tuesday
Monthly 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Beaufort County
Beaufort County DSS
Partnership for Children
979 Washington Sq. Mall
Washington, NC 27889
Meetings: 1st Monday
Bi-monthly 8:30 am
Contact: Stephanie Webb
(866) 998-2597
Bertie County
Bertie County Collaborative
Bertie County Health Department
102 Rhodes Ave. Windsor, NC 27983
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Each month 1:.30 p.m.
Contact: Hope Eley
(866) 998-2597
Bladen County
Bladen County System of Care Collaborative
Bladen Crisis Center
450 Smith Circle
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
Meetings: 4th Wednesday
Each month 1:30-2:30pm
Contact: Holly Niebauer
Brunswick County
Tri-County Collaborative
Trillium Health Resources
3809 Shipyard Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28403
Meetings: 4th Tuesdays
Monthly, 2:00-4:00
Contact: Holly Niebauer
New Hanover
TTri-County Collaborative
Trillium Health Resources
3809 Shipyard Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28403
Meetings: 4th Tuesdays
Monthly, 2:00-4:00
Contact: Dena Hamilton
Pender County
Tri-County Collaborative
Trillium Health Resources
3809 Shipyard Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28403
Meetings: 4th Tuesdays
Monthly, 2:00-4:00
Contact: Dena Hamilton
Burke County
Burke County Child Collaborative
Family and Child Infant Preschool Program Building
J. Iverson Riddle Campus- FIPP Building.
300 Enola Road
Morganton, NC 28655
Meetings: 1st Monday
Each month 8:30-10:00am
Contact: Carol Bostian
(704) 772-4314
Family Lead:
Buncombe County
Children’s Collaborative of Buncombe County
Mission Reuter's Children's Outpatient Center
11 Vanderbilt Drive
Asheville, NC 28803
Meetings: 1st Thursday
Each month 8:30-10am
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Cabarrus County
Cabarrus County Community Collaborative
Cabarrus County Schools Education
4855 Milestone Avenue
Kannapolis, NC
Meetings: 3rd Thursday
Each month 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Contact: Robert Anderson
Caldwell County
Caldwell County Child Collaborative
332 Greenhaven Drive NW
Lenoir, N.C. 28645
Meetings: 1st Thursday
Each month 9:15am-10:00 a.m.
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Camden County (merged with Pasquotank)
Albemarle Alliance for Children
1403 Parkview Drive
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
every other month: 1-2 p.m
Contact: Tavia James
Carteret County
Carteret County Collaborative
Trillium Health Resources
Shackleford Conference Room
3820 B Bridges Street
Morehead City, NC, 28557
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Every Month 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Contact: Karen Reaves
(866) 998-2597
Caswell County
Caswell Pines Golf Club
2380 County Home Rd
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Meetings: 1st Wednesday
Each month 12:30pm-1:30pm
Contact: Laquita Cozart
(919) 904-0780
Family Partner Coordinator:
Catawba County
Catawba Child Collaborative
First Plaza Building-1st Floor Conference Room
1985 Tate Blvd SE
Hickory, NC 28602
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday
Each month 11:00am-12:30pm
Contact: Carol Bostian
Yancey County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Yadkin County
Yadkin County Collaborative
Yadkin Cultural Arts Center
226 N. Main Street
Meetings: 1st Tuesday 9:00 – 10:00
Contact: Jerry Campbell II
(704) 936-8936/(704) 616-4987
Wilson County
Edgecombe-Wilson Collaborative
Wilson County DSS
100 Gold Street
Wilson, NC 27894
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Bi-Monthly 3:30-5pm
Contact: Cotina Thorne
(252) 407-2175
Chatham County
Chatham Child Wellbeing Collaborative
Chatham County DSS
103 Camp Drive
Pittsboro, NC 27312-8822
Meetings: 1st Monday
Each month 2:00-3:30
Contact: Sarah Schaller
Family Partner Coordinator:
Chowan County
Chowan County Child Collaborative
Chowan Middle School
2845 Virginia Road
Tyner, NC 27980
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday
Every other month 1:30pm-3:30pm
Contact: Tracey Webster
(866) 998-2597
Cleveland County
The Cleveland Collaborative Child
Cleveland County Public Health Center
Room 391
200 S. Post Rd.
Shelby, NC 28150
Meetings:1st Wednesday
Each month 12:30 pm
Contact: Shikeena Pope
Columbus County
Columbus County System of Care Collaborative
Columbus County DJJDP
310 Jefferson Street
Whiteville, NC 28472
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday
Each month 10:30 a.m.
Contact: Holly Niebauer
Cherokee County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Clay County
No Collaborative
Contact: Ashley Cole
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 5324
Craven County
Easter Seals UCP
2801 Neuse Road
New Bern, NC 28563
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Each month 2-3:00
Contact: Susan Hall
(866) 998-2597
Currituck County
Currituck County Cooperative Ext.
120 Community Way
Barco, NC 27917
Meetings: 1st Wednesday
Every other month 9am-11pm
Contact: Tavia James
Dare County
Dare County Administration Bldg..
954 Marshall Collins Drive
Manteo NC 27954
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Each month 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Contact: Stephanie Webb
Davidson County
Davidson County Community Collaborative
Davidson County DSS
913 Greensboro St.
Lexington, NC 27293
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Each month at Noon
Contact: Robin Byerly
Davie County
Davie County Community Collaborative
Central Davie Academyr
160 Martin Luther King Road
Mocksville, NC 27028
Meetings: 2nd Friday
Each month 1:30-2:30pm
Contact: Mary Beth Young
Duplin County (and Sampson)
Duplin –Sampson County Community Collaborative
Duplin County DSS
423 North Main Street
Kenansville, NC 28349
Sampson County DSS
360County Complex Road
Clinton, NC
Meetings Rotate counties: 1st Friday
Each month 10:00 a.m.
Contact: Michael Hooker
(252) 520-8849
Sampson County (and Duplin)
Duplin –Sampson County Community Collaborative
Duplin County DSS
423 North Main Street
Kenansville, NC 28349
Sampson County DSS
360County Complex Road
Clinton, NC
Meetings Rotate counties: 1st Friday
Each month 10:00 a.m.
Contact: Michael Hooker
(252) 520-8849
Forsyth County
Community Collaborative of Forsyth County
Triad Office of Cardinal Innovations
4045 University Parkway
Winston-Salem, NC
Meetings: 1st Monday
Each month 11am to 12pm
Contact: Mary Beth Young
(704) 371-1256
Edgecombe County
Edgecombe and
Wilson Collaborative
Wilson County DSS
100 Gold Street
Wilson, NC 27894
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Bi-Monthly 3:30-5pm
Contact: Cotina Thorne
(252) 407-2175
Nash County
Nash Collaborative
Braswell Memorial Library
722 N. Grace Street
Rocky Mount, NC
Meetings: 1st Thursdays, 3-5 p.m.
Contact: Eric Boone
Franklin County
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Office
134 S. Garnet Street
Henderson, NC
Meetings: 4th Tuesdays
Each month 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Contact: Laquita Cozart
Warren County
Four County Collaborative
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Office
134 S. Garnet Street
Henderson, NC
Meetings: 4th Tuesdays
Monthly 1:00-3:00
Contact: Cotina Thorne
Gaston County
The Gaston County Community Collaborative
Partners Behavioral Health Management
901 South New Hope Road
Gastonia, NC 28054
Meetings: 3rd Friday
Each month 9am-11am
Contact: Shikeena Pope
Family Lead:
Gates County
Gates County DSS
122 Main St. Gatesville
Gatesville, NC 27938
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday
Each month 2pm
Contact: Tavia James
Graham County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Granville County
Four County Collaborative
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Office
134 S. Garnet Street
Henderson, NC
Meetings: 4th Tuesday
Every other month 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Contact: Laquita Cozart
Greene County
Greene-Lenoir-Wayne Collaborative
Greene County Schools Board of Education
301 Kingold Blvd.
Snow Hill, NC
Meetings: Rotating location with Lenoir and Wayne
Lenoir Location:
NC Dept. of Public Safety/Juvenile Justice
201 East King Street
Kinston, NC
Wayne Location:
100 S. S. James St.
Goldsboro, NC
Meetings: variable days
Monthly 10:00 am
Contact: Cotina Thorne/Michael Hooker
(252) 407-2175/(252) 520-8849
Lenoir County
Greene-Lenoir-Wayne Collaborative
Greene County Schools Board of Education
301 Kingold Blvd.
Snow Hill, NC
Meetings: Rotating location with Lenoir and Wayne
Lenoir Location:
NC Dept. of Public Safety/Juvenile Justice
201 East King Street
Kinston, NC
Wayne Location:
100 S. S. James St.
Goldsboro, NC
Meetings: variable days
Monthly 10:00 am
Contact: Michael Hooker
(252) 520-8849
Wayne County
Greene-Lenoir-Wayne Collaborative
Greene County Schools Board of Education
301 Kingold Blvd.
Snow Hill, NC
Meetings: Rotating location with Lenoir and Wayne
Lenoir Location:
NC Dept. of Public Safety/Juvenile Justice
201 East King Street
Kinston, NC
Wayne Location:
100 S. S. James St.
Goldsboro, NC
Meetings: variable days
Monthly 10:00 am
Contact: Michael Hooker
(252) 520-8849
Halifax County
Halifax Agriculture Bldg.
357 Ferrell Lane
Halifax, NC
Meetings: 3rd Monday
Each month 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.
Contact: Eric Boone
Haywood County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Henderson County
Henderson LICC
Meetings: Zoom (virtual)
Bi-monthly: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Hertford County
Hertford County Collaborative
Cooperate Extension Office
301 W Tyron St. Winton, NC 27986
Meetings: 1st Wednesday
Each month 2:00pm
Contact: Hope Eley
(866) 998-2597
Hyde County
Mattamuskeet Middle School
20400 U.S. 264 S
Swan Quarter, NC 27885
Meetings: 1st Thursday
Bi-monthly 1:30pm-2:30pm
Contact: Stephanie Webb
Iredell County
Iredell Interagency Collaborative
Iredell Health Department
318 Turnersburg Hwy
Statesville, NC
Meetings: 4th Monday, 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Contact: Jerry Campbell II
(704) 936-8936/(704) 616-4987
Family Lead:
Jackson County
No collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Jones County
Jones County Community Collaborative
Jones County Civic Center
832 NC Hwy. 58
Trenton, NC, 28585
Meetings: 2nd Friday 6x a year
(Meets on JCPC schedule): 11:00AM - 12:15PM
Contact: Karen Reaves
Lincoln County
Lincoln County Community Collaborative
Lincoln Wellness Center
311 McBee St
Lincolnton, NC 28092
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday
Contact: Shikeena Pope
Family Lead:
Macon County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Madison County
Madison County Children’s Collaborative
Madison Cooperative Extension
590 Medical Park Drive Marshall, NC 28753
Meetings: Last Tuesday
Each month: 12:00-1:00
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Martin County
Martin County Board of Education
300 North Watts Street
Williamston, NC 27892
Meetings: 3rd Thursday
Every other month 1:30pm
Contact: Hope Eley
(866) 998-2597
McDowell County
Marion Police Department
270 South Main Street
Marion, N.C. 28752
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Each month: 10:30 a.m. - 12noon
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Mecklenberg County
SOC Collaborative of Mecklenberg
Valerie C. Woodard Center
Meetings: 4th Thursday
Each month 3:30-5:00pm
Contact: Janelle Fleck
(704) 723-1026
MItchell County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Northhampton County
Northhampton County Collaborative
Cultural Wellness Center
9536 Highway 305 North
Jackson, NC 27845
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
Each month 11 a.m.
Contact: Hope Eley
(866) 998-2597
Orange County
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions
Zoom (Virtual meetings)
Meetings: 4th Wednesday
Each month 1-3pm
Contact: Ashley Bass-Mitchell
Onslow County
Onslow County Community Collaborative
Onslow County Consolidated Human Svcs. Bldg.
Meetings: 1st Monday
Monthly 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Contact: Karen Reaves
(866) 998-2597
Palmico County
Pamlico Community Collaborative
828 Alliance Main St.
Bayboro, NC 28515
Meetings:3rd Thursday
Bi-monthly 1:30-2:30
Contact: Susan Hall
(866) 998-2597
Pasquotank County (Merged with Camden County)
Albemarle Alliance for Children
1403 Parkview Drive
Elizabeth City,NC27909
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Every other month 1-2:00 pm
Contact: Tracey Webster
(866) 998-2597
Perquimans County
Perquimans County Community Collaborative
Perquimans County Board of Education
411 S. Edenton Road
Hertford, NC 27944
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Every other month: 9am
Contact: Tracey Webster
(866) 998-2597
Person County
Roots & Wings
1200 N. Main Street
Roxboro, NC 27573
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Each month 12:00-1:00
Contact: Stephanie Jones
(919) 904-0780
Family Partner Coordinator: Chandrika Brown
Pitt County
The Pitt Community Collaborative
Greenville, NC 27858
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
Each Month 9-11:00am
Contact: Keith Letchworth
(866) 998-2597
Polk County
No Collaborative
Contact: kelly Wolf
(828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Robeson County
Robeson System of Care Collaborative
450 Country Club Rd.
Lumberton, NC
Meetings: 1st Tuesday
Monthly 2:00 p,m,
Contact: Robert Williams
P: (910) 272-1553
Rowan County
Rowan County Community Collaborative
Rowan DSS
1813 E. Innes St
Salisbury, NC 28146
Meetings: 2nd Thursday
Each month 9 – 10:30 am
Contact: Tressy Mclean-Hickey
(704) 792-5583
Rockingham County
Rockingham County Wellness Center
509 South Van Buren Rd.
Eden, NC 27288
Meetings: 4th Tuesday
Monthly 10:30-11:30am
Contact: Sarah Schaller
(704) 371-1256
Rutherford County
County Annex Building
Main Street
Rutherfordton. NC
Meetings: 4th Friday
Each month 8:30 am
Contact: Jamie Piercy
P: (704) 772-4314
Scotland County
Scotland System of Care Collaborative
Scotland County Board of Education
A.B. Gibson Educational Center
322 S. Main Street
Laurinburg, NC 28352
Meetings: 3rd Thursday
Monthly 9:00 am
Contact: Robert Williams
P: (910) 272-1553
Stokes County
Community Collaborative of Stokes County
Stokes County DSS
1010 Hwy 8 and 89 N
Danbury, NC 27016
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday
Monthly 3 p.m.-4 p.m.
Contact: Sarah Schaller
(704) 371-1256
Surry County
Surry Community Interagency Collaborative
Adam Marion Resource Center
205 Lelia Lane
Dobson, NC 27071
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Contact: Jerry Campbell II
(704) 936-8936/(704) 616-4987
Stanly County
Stanly County Community Collaborative
Stanly County DSS
1000 North First Street, Suite 2
Albemarle, NC 28001
Meetings: 1st Tuesday
Each month 9am-10:30am
Contact: Tressy McLean-Hickey
(704) 792-5583
Swain County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Transylvania County
No Collaborative
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Tyrrell County
Tyrrell County Public Library
414 Main Street
Columbia, NC 27925
Meetings: 4th Monday
Bi-monthly 10:30 a.m.
Contact: Chinita Vaughan
(866) 998-2597
Union County
Union County Community Collaborative
Community Shelter of Union County
160 Meadow Street.
Monroe, NC 28110
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday
Monthly 2 p.m.
Contact: Janelle Fleck
(704) 723-1026
Vance County
Four County Collaborative
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Office
134 S. Garnet Street
Henderson, NC
Meetings: 4th Tuesday
Monthly 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Contact: Whitney Robertson
(919) 623-0150
Washington County
Washington County Child Collaborative
Golden Skillet
167 US Hwy 64 W
Plymouth N C 27962
Meetings: 3rd Monday
Bi-monthly 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Contact: Chinita Vaughan
(866) 998-2597
Watauga County
CDSA-Blue Ridge
2359 Highway 105
Boone, NC
Meetings: 1st Thursday
Monthly 12:15-1:15 p.m.
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750
Wilkes County
Daymark Recovery
1430 Willow Lane
North Wilkesboro, NC
Meetings: 3rd Monday
Monthly 11:00-12:00
Contact: Kelly Wolf
P: (828) 225-2785 ext. 4750

Acronym SOC stands for System of Care
Vaya Health
Kelly Wolf, SOC Project Director 200 Ridgefield Court, Suite 206 Asheville, NC 28801 Phone: 828-225-2785 Fax: 828-225-2796 Crisis Line: 800-849-6127 Counties Served: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes, YanceyPartners Behavioral Health Management Office
Lachelle Freeman, SOC Project Director 901 South New Hope Road Gastonia, NC 28054 Phone: 704-884-2501 Fax: 704-884-2713 Crisis Line: 888-235-4673 Counties Served: Burke, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Rutherford, Surry, YadkinCardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions Office
4855 Milestone Avenue Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone: 704-939-7700 Fax: 704-939-7907 Crisis Line: 800-939-5911 Counties Served: Alamance, Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Mecklenburg, Orange, Rockingham, Person, Rowan, Stanly, Stokes, Union, Vance and WarrenSandhills Center Office
Valerie Jones, SOC Coordinator1120 Seven Lakes Drive West End, NC 27376 Phone: 910-673-9111 Fax: 910-673-6202 Crisis Line: 800-256-2452 Counties Served: Anson, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond
Alliance Health
5200 W. Paramount Parkway, Suite 200 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919-651-8401 Fax: 919-651-8672 Crisis Line: 800-510-9132 Counties Served: Cumberland, Durham, Johnston, WakeEastpointe Office
514 East Main Street Beulaville, NC 28518 Phone: 800-913-6109 Fax: 910-298-7180 Crisis Line: 800-913-6109 Counties Served: Bladen, Duplin, Edgecombe, Greene, Lenoir, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland, Wayne, WilsonTrillium Health Resources Office
Sarah Schaller, SOC Coordinator - Triad area1708 E. Arlington Blvd. Greenville, NC 27858-5872 Phone: 866-998-2597 Crisis Line: 877-685-2415 Counties Served: Beaufort, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Martin, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, Washington